Art & Language: Texte zum Phänomen Kunst und Sprache

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Front cover

Art & Language: Texte zum Phänomen Kunst und Sprache is a 1972 collection of articles by Art & Language members Terry Atkinson, David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin, Harold Hurrell, and Joseph Kosuth. Most of the texts were previously published in Art-Language or Studio International between 1969 and 1972. The book was edited by Paul Maenz and Gerd de Vries.


Even pages: English

Odd pages: German translation

Author Title pg. First published in
Table of Contents 6
Preface 8
Charles Harrison Introduction 10
1. Terry Atkinson

Michael Baldwin

Air-Conditioning Show / Air Show / Frameworks 18 Air-Conditioning Show / Air Show / Frameworks (1966-67)[1]
2. David Bainbridge

Michael Baldwin

Notes on M1 48 Art-Language Vol. 1 No. 1 (May 1969)
3. Joseph Kosuth Art after Philosophy 74 Studio-International Vol. 178 No. 915 (October 1969)
4. Joseph Kosuth Introductory Note by the American Editor 100 Art-Language Vol. 1 No. 2 (February 1970)
5. Michael Baldwin

Harold Hurrell

Handbook to 'Ingot' 108 Handbook to 'Ingot' (1971)
6. Terry Atkinson

David Bainbridge

Michael Baldwin

Harold Hurrell

Lecher System 124 Studio International Vol. 180 No. 924 (July-August 1970)
7. Michael Baldwin A Note on Conceptual Claromania 134
8. Terry Atkinson From an Art & Language Point of View [Excerpt 1] 138 Art-Language Vol. 1 No. 2 (February 1970)
9. Michael Baldwin General Note 172 Art-Language Vol. 1 No. 3 (June 1970)
10. Terry Atkinson From an Art & Language Point of View [Excerpt 2] 186 Art-Language Vol. 1 No. 2 (February 1970)
11. Harold Hurrell Sculptures and Devices 198 Art-Language Vol. 1 No. 2 (February 1970)
12. Terry Atkinson

Michael Baldwin

La Pensée avec images 204 Art-Language Vol. 1 No. 4 (November 1971)
13. Terry Atkinson

Michael Baldwin

On the Material-Character/Physical-Object Paradigm of Art 226 Art-Language Vol. 2 No. 1 (February 1972)
14. Terry Atkinson

Michael Baldwin

De Legibus Naturae 240 Studio International Vol. 181 No. 932 (May 1971)
15. Terry Atkinson

Michael Baldwin

Unnatural Rules and Excuses 280 Art-Language Vol. 2 No. 1 (February 1972)
On the Authors 346



March 1973[2]

Bruce Boice
