Main Page
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The Red Krayola

- Discography (1967-)
- Gigography (1966-)
- People
- "The Story So Far of The Red Crayola & The Red Krayola" (2005)
- "A Manifesto for The Red Krayola" (2012)
- "The Group as It Is Today" (1967)
- 2024: Mayo Thompson plans to record an album titled Corky Returns with The Corky Band
- 2025: Author Bill Perrine intends to publish a book on The Red Krayola this year
Recent news
- July 23, 2024: Mel Ramsden of Art & Language has passed away at the age of 80
- April 10, 2024: Mayo Thompson was interviewed by Markly Morrison for Low Profile podcast
- March 10, 2024: Mayo Thompson was interviewed by Brian Heater for RIYLcast
- December 2, 2023: Mayo Thompson & The Corky Band performed live in New York City
- October 31, 2023: Mayo Thompson was interviewed by Klemen Breznikar for Psychedelic Baby Magazine
- September 1, 2023: Mayo Thompson released his second novella After Math
- August 31, 2023: Mayo Thompson & The Corky Band performed live in Los Angeles
- June 22, 2023: Mayo Thompson performed with Pere Ubu at the Lodge Room in Los Angeles
- June 8, 2023: J. Spaceman and John Coxon's tribute album Play The Red Krayola Live 1967 was released digitally
- May 13, 2023: Mayo Thompson was interviewed by David Thomas for Stay Sick, Turn Blue Radio (interview at 39:45)
- April 30, 2023: Mayo Thompson was interviewed on F.A.L.L.O.U.T. podcast
Red Krayola Wiki
Recent updates
- December 26, 2024: Added pages for the unreleased 1985 songs "Little Flower" and "The Great State"
- December 15, 2024: Added The Red Crayola Songbook zine (1979)
- July 1, 2024: Migrated Red Krayola Wiki to a new web host
- January 26, 2024: Added Berkeley Folk Music Festival 1967
- January 25, 2024: Added essay "The Group as It Is Today" (1967)
- January 1, 2024: Rewrote Dairymaid's Lament (1967 single)
- December 4, 2023: Added unreleased book Regular Everything II (1971)
- September 2023: 1 year anniversary of Red Krayola Wiki
- August 31, 2023: Added transcript to God Bless the Red Krayola and All Who Sail With It (documentary) (2006)
- August 24, 2023: Added partial transcript to The Red Krayola in Tokyo (1995)
- August 18, 2023: Added cancelled Art & Language opera Red Faces (1975)
- July 6, 2023: Revised Letters to the Jackson Pollock Bar in the Style of the Red Krayola (2012) and added Ode to Galesburg (2015)
- June 27, 2023: Added live a recording from January 11, 1995
- June 26, 2023: Added the painting on the back of Born in Flames (1980)
- June 22, 2023: Migrated Red Krayola Wiki to a new web host
- June 21, 2023: Added live recordings from October 9, 1982 and December 13, 2006
- June 13, 2023: Added Jörg Schlick & Megabody (1987), Wild Thing (1990), and the Red Crayola's lost album with John Fahey (1967)