The Tone of Your Voice; Be Firm, Don't Shout

You can't stop him By just saying "no" At least not right At the beginning
The tone of your voice Be it high or low Your expression severe A ?
Now whether you say "no" And whether you mean it or not Will tell later Be firm but light as a feather
If you shout If you're a berater He'll say to himself "Am I mouse, or a man who will grab the lamp cord?"
That's the sure way To burn down the house And that is something No one can afford
His nature is the drive and the spur It's exciting, the tough guy talking Chances are he will go for the lamp with quite extraordinary gall
That's the program to stare and ? refuse all directions and balk To see how much you'll holler and champ It's a bluff you really must call
- Based on Chapter 411 of Spock's Baby and Child Care