Why We Need Idealistic Children

From Red Krayola Wiki


Adolescents don't know at first Where their true feelings belong Intense romantic ? first They almost always get it wrong

This is nowhere near the time When he can show his feelings His fellow teenagers, his ? To go on concealing

He'll find a teacher far too good Worship heroes from fiction Gaze at a star from Hollywood Shyness is his conviction

Dating is a big breakthrough It's an instructive game But because it's all so new Idealism will remain

But even at this late moment There's often sublimation Into a philanthropic bend Or artistic creation

Before a child becomes secure In his sexuality Sex and the love he thinks is pure Are not one personality

A child in his early teens Goes through infatuation Every time it's not what love means It's just idealization

? Or ? caution comes with Realism's growth He finds the course Of true love runs though What suits them both

They discover that they want a love that they taunt ? for true love was détente



  • The title is named after Chapter 14 of Spock's Baby and Child Care[1]
  • The lyrics are based on Chapter 588 of Baby and Child Care
