On left wall
"Right Hand Third of Courbet's Burial at Ornans Expressing States of Mind That are Obsessive and Compelling...", 1981
On left wall
Panel from Documenta "Index (I)", 1972
On left wall
Panel from Hayward Gallery "Index (II)", 1972
On left wall
Poster for "Fox 4", 1976
On left wall
"Map to Not Indicate", 1967
On left wall
"Atelier V" by George Braque, 1949 (exhibited at 'Westkunst', Köln, 1981)
In doorway on left wall
Parts of "Ils Donnent Leur Sang, Donnez Votre Travail", 1977
In doorway on left wall
Plan of map for "Picasso's 'Guernica in the Style of Jackson Pollock", 1980
In doorway on left wall
Part of "Picasso's 'Guernica in the Style of Jackson Pollock", 1980
On guitar case
Manet's "Olympia", 1863, reproduced as a cover for the libretto of an opera, Olympia, 1981-82
On table
Reproduction of Courbet's "The Studio of the Painter", 1855
On the floor, far left foreground
Sleeve of "Kangaroo?" LP by Art & Language and The Red Crayola, 1981
On the floor, far left foreground
Sleeve of "Corrected Slogans" LP by Art & Language and The Red Crayola, 1976
On the floor, far left foreground
Sleeve of "Rattenmensch/Gewichtwatcher" single by Art & Language and The Red Crayola, 1981
Under table left
"Xerox Book" by Ian Burn, 1968
Under table left
A copy of The Fox No. 1, 1975
On the floor behind table left
"Alternate Map for Documenta Index", 1972 (with others rolled)
On facing wall left
"Secret Painting", 1967-8
On facing wall left
"Singing Man", 1975 (text is 'Scab Shaman's Rejuvenation')
On facing wall left
"Axe of American Surrealism" from "Illustrations for Art-Language", 1977
Centre left of facing-wall
"Portrait of V.I. Lenin in July 1917 Disguised by a Wig and Working Man's Clothes in the Style of Jackson Pollock", 1980
Centre floor
"Attacked by an Unknown Man in a City Park: A Dying Woman; Drawn and Painted by Mouth", 1981
On windowsill
File cabinets from "Index 2 (II)", 1972
Above window and facing wall right
"10 Postcards", 1977
Above window and facing wall right (and on wall right)
"Dialectical Materialism", 1975
Below window
"Untitled Painting" (mirror), 1965
On door in right wall
"Flags for Organisations", 1978
Right wall
"Welcome to Venice" banner for Venice Biennale, 1976
Right wall
"Left-Hand Third of Courbet's Burial at Ormans Expressing a Sensuous Affection...". 1981
Right wall
Part of "Ways of Seeing", 1978 (made for re-production on the cover of Art-Language Vol. 4 No. 3, 1978)
On floor far right
"The Teachings of Karl Marx" by V. I. Lenin. New York, 1930
On floor far right
Poster with quotation from "Heights in Depth and Depths in Heights" by Joseph Salmon, 1651
On floor far right
Part of "Index 04", 1973
On floor far right
Art-Language Vol. 4 No. 1, 1977
Under table far right
Art-Language Vol. 2 No. 4, 1974
Under table far right
Art-Language Vol. 3 No. 2, 1975
Under table far right
Catalog for Documenta 5, 1972
Under table far right
Part of "Index 002 (Bxal)", 1973
Under table far right
File cabinet from Documenta "Index (I)", 1972
Far right foreground against table
"Dialectical Materialism: Ernie Wise 002", 1975
Far right foreground against table
An ingot from "Ingot", 1968
Far right foreground against table
A version of Kandinsky's "Pink Sweet", 1980 (made for reproduction on the cover of Art-Language Vol. 4 No. 4, 1980)
On far right table
Studio International, July-August, 1970 showing a reproduction (?) of a work by Daniel Buren[16]
On far right table
Ratcatcher No. 4, 1976
On far right table
Art & Language (catalog) Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 1980
On far right table
"A Realist Theory of Science" by Roy Bhaskar, Hassocks, 1976
On far right table
"Against the Self-Images of the Age" by Alasdair MacIntyre, London 1972
On far right table
Art-Language Vol. 4 No. 2, 1977
On far right table
"Critique of the Gotha Programme" by Karl Marx, Moscow, 1960
On far right table
Art-Language Vol. 3 No. 1, 1974
On far right table
"English Art and Modernism: 1900-1939" by Charles Harrison, London and Indiana, 1981
On far right table
The Fox No. 2, 1975
On far right table
Poster for "School" (an art student political organization or myth), 1976
On far right table
Issue No. 3, 1979
On far right table
Art-Language Vol. 4 No. 3, 1978
On far right table
"Elements of Semiology" by Roland Barthes, London, 1967
On far right table
Open copy of Art History Vol. 4 No. 4, London 1981[17]
On far right table
File boxes associated with Air Show, etc. 1966-8
Figures left to right
Mayo Thompson
Figures left to right
Michael Baldwin
Figures left to right
Weeping female (from engraving by William Blake)
Figures left to right
Victorine Meurand (1841-1901)
Figures left to right
Mel Ramsden
Figures left to right
Charles Harrison
Figures left to right
Hands from a figure in Picasso's "Minotaur and Dead Mare Before a Grotto", 1936
Figures left to right
Fred Orton